Basic Info
In-game name: Petrov but I have a super sneaky alias
Age: 14
Personality: I really like playing tremulous and cracking jokes. I constently make fun of myself and NazLog so you can bet that it gets pretty weird around the house.
Favorite Class: Spectators are definately pro but they never seem to win so my second favorite is Humans.
Favorite weapon: I am going to go with the construction kit because it is the best and with it you help your team the most. I also hold the record for rant kills with a c kit but I can't disclose how to do it. My second favorite is the Shotty because it hurts and I own with it.
Favorite Alien Evolution: Definately the basilisk. I want to learn how to use one so much. The class I use is goon though but my alien is fail (not as bad a NazLog's though)
Favorite Map: ATCS (advanced tactical combat simulator) instead of ATCS (Advanced Training in Cock Sucking)
Have you been in any other clans before: Not under this name...
How active are you: Umm some what. I depends
Are you good at following orders: If I say no do I get thrown out? Well the answer is yes.
Would you consider yourself rude: Only to NazLog after a kick his ass which is in practically every game we play.
Would you attend the server(s) regularly: Yes I will
Have you talked to either Terror or Dopey yet: Umm sort of but I did talk to vizzy and Jackal and of course NazLog
Would you ever abuse admin rights: Nope no sir. Not going to happen
Advance Info (You do not have to fill this out if it makes you uncomfortable)
What is your main language: English
What Country are you from: USA
Do you understand basic English: No..... I only speak American.